

How to recover fast from Sports Injuries?

How to recover fast from Sports Injuries?

Sports injuries can prove to be extremely painful. If not taken care of properly, it can even ruin the sporting career of the athlete. The injuries can be either long-lasting or get better early with proper care and measures.

Here are few ways to recover faster from a sports injury:

Consult a sports physiotherapist immediately. There are no second thoughts about that. No need to waste time here. The sports physiotherapist will give you the right guidance and medication.

As much as you are willing to get back to your sport, it is important to understand that your body needs the rest when injured, and not resting will make it even worse and lead to a long term injury. So, rest as much as you can. The body needs to rejuvenate.

Ice packs on the injured place can do wonders. You can either get a gel ice pack from the chemist or can place a few cubes of ice in a thin plastic bag. Place the ice bag on the injury at least 3 to 4 times a day for 10 to 15 minutes.

There are special band-aid elastic tapes that will prevent swelling. Wrap this around your wound ensuring it is not too tight (as it may hamper the blood flow).

Keep the injured body part on elevated support, such as a pillow. This will help in reducing not just the pain but the swelling too. Keep the injured area in the elevated position for as long as possible.

Understand what your injury is, which ligament/bone has been affected and how severe the injury is. A minor sprain will be something one does not have to worry about, but a ligament tear might need proper attention and extreme care.

After complete rest, when the swelling is down and pain is less, go to the physiotherapist for the special exercise for that particular area. This will help in gaining back the strength and will restore the full range of motion/movement.

Ensure that the food you consume is Protein-rich, with omega 3, vitamin C, vitamin D and Calcium. Avoid fatty oily food as it will make you gain weight and add extra pressure on the injured part. A healthy diet with proper supplements will result in early and quick recovery.

Go Slow
Post-injury, when you start playing, take it easy and increase your practise step by step. As exciting it may feel, returning back to the sport, it becomes vital to take extra precautions and be more careful about the injured part. It is important that starting a couple of days you don’t exert much, and if there is too much pain, stop playing and rest immediately. It is also essential to warm up before playing and do complete body stretching post practise.

As easy as this all may sound, it can get a little tricky too, hence you can take help from the expert from Health at Homes. In 3 simple steps, you can get in touch with a Physiotherapist at Home in Hyderabad, take Mobile X-Ray Services in Hyderabad and other Homecare Services in Hyderabad. Health at Homes provides complete Health care Services in Hyderabad.

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